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Unless you have been living in
a cage …

… for the last couple of years, you have seen, as we all have, the emergence of a wealthy oligarch elite no longer lurking in the shadows but shamelessly stepping into the limelight and laying claim to every narrative that deeply influences the trajectory of our society.

These Ultra-Capitalists, let’s call them Anarcho-Elites, ruthlessly use their wealth-based power to cement their privileges, their untouchability and their take over of every democratic process they get hold of, basically rendering “the will of the people” non existent. They exploit everything in sight with the kind of audacity that makes you wonder if their moral compass is just spinning for fun.

Slipping down the rabbit hole, we realize capitalism isn’t just an anarchy in disguise—it’s the kind of anarchy where the rebels wear designer suits and sip champagne. More of a very public narcissistic takeover than a secret cabal pulling strings behind the scenes. Rules? Decorative. Laws? Strongly worded recommendations. Taxes? A fun concept for the little people. Consequences? Reserved for the poor. Their wealth? Like an all-access VIP pass while the rest of us are left rotting in line.

Capitalsim, ANArchy of The Rich tackles the way the ultra-rich operate, the networks they use and most importantly the stories they tell, to lure us, the not so rich, in thinking inside the shady rank boxes they created.

It takes you beyond the headlines, revealing how money actually works and how the mythology of ownership, growth, and debt is crafted. It exposes the mechanisms that concentrate wealth, the stories that keep us believing in all those rigged games but one. It shines a light on how unpaid labor and steal, both historical and modern, underpins the fortunes of the few and it asks the only viable question. Is this system, more cult than financial, truly necessary? And consequently, how do we tear down the narratives, reclaim our agency. And finally, who the hell are these people anyway?

“ The economic anarchy of capitalist society as it exists today is, in my opinion, the real source of the evil. We see before us a huge community of producers the members of which are unceasingly striving to deprive each other of the fruits of their collective labor—not by force, but on the whole in faithful compliance with legally established rules. "

Albert Einstein

(Monthly Review May 1949)

Make no mistake, the rich dont give a fu** about a planet in peril, a world that is burning and most certainly they dont give a fu** about you. That is why Anarchy of the Rich is not just an exposé—it’s a blueprint for intellectual revolution and takes the writing of the script for our future in our own hands.


Available from April 2, 2025.

April fools is over

* Of course, there are countless other books attempting to make sense of our times, but since we’re gleefully indulging in the capitalist art of marketing to spread the word, we must dutifully obey the sacred commandments of ruthless self-promotion. After all, this isn’t a dry scientific study—it’s a glorious exercise in sarcastic polemic, first and foremost.


Available April 2nd, 2025

25 €

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